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Committee on the Taxonomy of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria

Minutes of the meeting of the ISPP Committee on Taxonomy of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria held in Charlottetown, Canada, on 27 July 2000.

The Committee met at the 10th International Conference on Plant Pathogenic Bacteria, Charlottetown, Canada, 23-27 July 2000. S. De Boer, L. Gardan, D. Stead, and J. Young, as members of the Committee, and 20 members of the conference attended.

1. Meeting convened: 1330h; Chair Dr Solke De Boer

2. Apologies: Received from Dr G.E. Saddler and Dr Y. Takikawa.

3. Committee Report: The committee had not formally convened since the meeting at the Versailles conference, 1992, there being insufficient numbers of the existing committee at the meeting in Madras, India, in 1996. In the interim, the committee had prepared a list of names of plant pathogenic bacteria, 1864-1995 (Young et al. 1996), which is held on the ISPP website and is upgraded annually. Until recently, the committee was an ISPP sub-committee but, because of its activities, had ben invited by the ISPP Executive to become a full committee, which it had accepted.

4. Election of Committee:

Bull, Carolee
De Boer, Solke
Firrao, Giuseppe
Gardan, Louis
Saddler, Gerry
Stead, David
Takikawa, Yuichi
Young, John

Moved: D. Stead Seconded: J.M. Young

Dr Luc Vauterin and Dr Rostislav Gvozdyak were thanked for their participation on the past committee.

There was discussion as to the need for more structure to the committee. It was suggested that there was a need to create mobility of membership. The Committee tries to have representation of taxonomic groups and to have geographic representation. The Committee did aim to have at least two new members elected at each meeting. It was noted that the main problem was to obtain enough people with expertise and enthusiasm to maintain an effective committee. As far as was known ISPP Committee’s were not subject to overarching rules. It was agreed that he Convener of the Committee would check with the ISPP executive to discover if there were any ISPP guidelines.

5. Letter to Phytopathology: The letter to the editor by Schaad et al. in Phytopathology 90 (2000) 208-213, supported by the APS Bacteriology Committee, was discussed. The proposals contained in the letter were the subject of several dicussion at severla sessions at the conference. The letter was considered to err in its interpretation of the at least four Rules of Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria. Contingent upon what had been written as a response by Vauterin et al. in Phytopathology, (i.e. the extent to which they explained all relevant points), it was proposed that the Committee develop a Letter to the Editor for Phytopathology and invite the original authors to participate in authorship. Also to seek endorsement of the APS Bacteriology Committee for the letter.

6. ISPP Website: It was proposed that the ISPP Website be expanded to make it more useful to bacteriologists with interests in taxonomy.

1. To place useful documents on the website apart from the Lists of Names of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria, such as the Standards for Naming Pathovars (revised).

2. To create a newsgroup where issues on bacterial taxonomy could be clarified.

7. US Culture Collection of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria: Although there are several special purpose collections of plant pathogenic bacteria around the world, there is none in the United States. This is regarded as a serious gap in the maintenance of representations of diversity of these bacteria. It was agreed that the Convener of the Committee would write to Dr. Roy Gingery, National Program Leader, USDA-REE-ARS-NPS-CPPVS, GWCC-BLTSVL, 5601 Sunnyside Avenue, Beltsville, MD 20705-5139, USA. Fax:301-504-6191; urging support for such a collection.

The meeting closed at 1500h