International Society for Plant Pathology
Promoting World-Wide Plant Health and Food Security
Commission on Global Food Security
Subject Matter Committees
Hosted Web Sites
Commission on Global Food Security
The enormity of the problem
Why do plant diseases matter?
What the Commission can do
Food security focus at plant pathology congresses
A new journal,
Food Security
Knowledge base on plant diseases and food security
Supporting cassava farmers in Ghana
Raising public awareness of plant diseases in Southern Africa
Members of the Commission
Aim of the Commission
The Commission in the history of ISPP
Commission Meetings since 1999
Activities agreed at 1999 Meeting
Food Security
ISPP Task Force Meetings
1999 meeting, Bangkok
2003 meeting, Christchurch NZ
2008 meeting, Torino, Italy
2011 meeting, Darwin, Australia
2013 meeting, Beijing, China
Activities Agreed at the 1999 Task Force Meeting
1) Changing Public Policy and Opinions on Global Food Security
2) Postgraduate training for plant pathologists in developing countries
3) Quantification of the economic impact of some major diseases
4) Farmer training in simple disease management: pilot project for cassava in Ghana
5) Development of the ISPP Website