International Society for Plant Pathology
Promoting World-Wide Plant Health and Food Security
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ICPP2008 Photos 

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The Opening Session Opening of the Congress. From the left: G.P.Martelli, S.Roda, R.Falloon, M.L. Gullino View of the Auditorium of the Opening Session Press Conference. August 25th Global Food Security
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Crop Biosecurity Keynote Session 3: Diseases of Mediterranean crops
and forests
Celebration of 100 years of the American Phytopathological Society Dinner at the Langhe, Verduno Dinner at the Langhe
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August 28th: Richard Falloon at Precision agriculture and plant pathology James Stack at Knowledge and technology transfer for plant pathology L.Madden winner of the Jakob Eriksson Prize 2008 L.Madden winner of the Jakob Eriksson Prize 2008 L.Madden winner of the Jakob Eriksson Prize 2008
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Final Opera Show Final Dinner in Pavillion 5
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