
Welcome to the 2006 International Society for Plant Pathology Teaching Symposium Archive

On-line from May 15th to June 4th, 2006


About the Symposium

This ISPP symposium was an opportunity for plant pathology teachers, no matter where they were in the world, to share their ideas, tips and techniques.

Each week as indicated, the papers listed were made available for viewing and discussion. Also a weekly forum was opened on the topics indicated. At the end of each week, discussion closed and a new set of papers and a new forum went live.

The symposium is now closed but will remain at this address as an archive for the foreseeable future. You are welcome to read the papers and the (now read-only) discussion. Please be aware that URLS listed in the papers or discussion were current at the time of the symposium, but these may, over time, become broken. However, an email to the author or contributor should point you to any updates.

Official Time Zone

Dates and times during the Symposium were in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The time and date stamped next to a contribution in the paper discussions or forums is in GMT.

Closing Statement

We have come to the end of the 2006 ISPP Teaching Symposium.

Thanks to all who participated and/or visited the site. An online conference such as this gives plant pathology teachers the opportunity to swap ideas and share experiences in an informal setting, no matter where in the world they are. Hopefully you gained some insights, and picked up some useful tips and techniques.

Over 200 people formally registered for the conference, from all parts of the world including many European countries, North and South America, Asia, Africa and Australasia. Although only a small number participated in the forums, many more visited the site and read the postings.

I would like to thank all the authors who took time to write and submit papers. I would encourage you to consider submitting expanded versions to the peer-reviewed Plant Heath Instructor ( which is part of The APSnet Education Center. This website is a key resource for plant pathology teaching.

A special thanks goes to members of my ISPP Teaching Committee who worked hard behind the scenes to referee and format papers, organise publicity, collect registration details and provide ideas. Without this team effort, this event would not have happened. Gratitude must also be expressed to the ISPP itself, which provided funds to assist in building the website.

This site will now become a reference archive, and will remain on the web at its current address for the foreseeable future. The general discussion will remain open for another week, in case anyone has any last words.

Best wishes to you all.

Terry Stewart
Chair, ISPP Teaching Committee
5th June, 2006

Image by Veronica Edmonds
2001 Instructional Technology Symposium Archive
ISPP Teaching Committee
Massey University, New Zealand is pleased to provide server resources to host the on-line ISPP 2006 Teaching Symposium.