International Society for Plant Pathology
Promoting World-Wide Plant Health and Food Security
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Announcement of the host for 13th International Congress of Plant Pathology, 2028.      

One of the objectives of the International Society for Plant Pathology is to "sponsor a series of International Congresses of Plant Pathology", normally at intervals of 5 years. Selection of the location and date of each Congress is the responsibility of ISPP's Council at least 5 years in advance. The selection process for the Congress in 2028 (ICPP2028) has now been completed. During October-November 2021, ISPP Councilors were invited to express their preference in a two-stage vote to choose between bids from the Australasian, Canadian, Hellenic, and Korean plant pathology societies. After the first round vote, Councilors were asked to select between the bids of the two societies which had received most votes - The Australasian Plant Pathology Society (APPS) and the Korean Society for Plant Pathology (KSPP). The second round vote ended on 29 November 2021. The RESULT of the vote was announced on 6 December, 2021 at, and will be formally announced at the 12th Congress, to be held in Lyon, France, from August 20-25, 2023. This ballot result has determined that the 13th International Congress of Plant Pathology will be held on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.  

Brenda Wingfield
Secretary General ISPP  

Venues of International Congresses:

2028 - Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia - 19th-25th August

2023 - Lyon, France 20 - 25th August 2023

2018 - Boston, MA USA   July to August 3 2018 > Congress Handbook > ICPP 2018 Report

2013 - Beijing, China. 25th - 31st August 2013 Congress >  2013 Abstracts > 2013 Report > 2013 Photos > 2013 Workshops

2008 - Torino, Italy. 2008 Congress > 2008 Abstracts > 2008 Report > 2008 Photos

2003 - Christchurch, New Zealand. 2003 Report

1998 - Edinburgh, UK. 1998 Abstracts

1993 - Montreal, Canada.

1988 - Kyoto, Japan.

1983 - Melbourne, Australia.

1978 - Munich, Germany.

1973 - Minneapolis, USA.
1968 - London, UK. 14 July to 26 July 1968 Report with permission of CABI
          Speech by George Harrar,  then President of the Rockefeller Foundation, on "Plant Pathology and World Food Problems" (Courtesy of the Rockefeller Archive Center)

Congress committees:

Each International Congress is organized by a Committee appointed by the Associated Society hosting the Congress. One host-country Committee member also serves as a Vice-President of ISPP.

Glen Anderson Lecture:

The Glenn Anderson Lecture honours Robert Glenn Anderson, the eminent Canadian agricultural scientist, who played a major role in the green revolution. The lecture series, on the security of world food supply was was first given at joint meetings of the Canadian Phytopathological Society (CPS) and American Phytopathological Society (APS) in 1986, and an endowment fund was then established by the CPS. More recently, the Lecture has been given at some International Congresses of Plant Pathology (ICPP1998 to 2013). 

Jacob Eriksson Prize:

The Jakob Eriksson Prize is the pre-minent international award for plant pathology, and is awarded every five years at the International Congress of Plant Pathology. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences administers the Jakob Eriksson Prize Fund which provides for a gold medal award at Congresses of the International Society for Plant Pathology. In advance of each Congress, nominations are solicited for a candidate of distinction in recognition of research in mycology, in plant pathology, or in virus diseases, or of a particular publication dealing with such subjects, with the understanding that the work being recognized is of a distinct international value and merit.