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ISPP Subject Matter Committees

Current Status of the ISPP Subject Matter Committees

The ISPP Subject Matter Committees (SMCs) are specialist committees established (or endorsed) by the International Society for Plant Pathology to address and report on special fields or problems in plant pathology (ISPP Statute 5 (b)).

An ISPP Subject Matter Committee generally aims at the following objectives:

  1. Consider or establish in relation to their function within a particular field of plant pathology key norms, benchmarks and recommendations for their peers as well as national and international bodies,
  2. Provide advice to ISPP, associated societies, or other national and international bodies,
  3. Liaise as necessary with other ISPP Committees and national and international interest groups to optimize collaborations,
  4. Assist and advise the ISPP Executive and the organizers of the International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP) in the development of (ICPP) technical sessions, workshops and field visits relevant to their specialist field,
  5. Organize specialist workshops, conferences and publications relevant to the field of plant pathology addressed by the Subject Matter Committee,
  6. Develop and maintain web related materials relevant to the subject, and
  7. Provide news items of relevance for the ISPP Newsletter.

Additionally, an ISPP Subject Matter Committee must:

  1. Provide a report to ISPP Council at the International Congress of Plant Pathology.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I enquire about a Subject Matter Committee?

Subject Matter Committees are small groups of individuals variously chosen by a Committee Chair, the ISPP Executive and/or the Committee with a view to geographic diversity and breadth of expertise. Generally a Committee might consist of six to 24 members.

Some Committees also have a larger mailing list of interested individuals and any enquiries about a Committee should be addressed to the Committee Chair, the ISPP Business Manager or the Vice President responsible (Prof. Laura Mugnai in 2023-2028).

For established Committees, the ISPP Business Manager can also setup a mailing list form on the web page for the Committee to allow other people to register interest in receiving emails about the Committee activities.

How does ISPP decide the topic for Subject Matter Committees?

The ISPP Executive (through the ISPP Vice President responsible) considers topics for Committees based on suggestions from individuals, and advice from Council or the Executive, with a view to focused attention on perceived priority topics and 'interested scientists', as demonstrated by recent international congresses and other plant pathology forums. Some topics have remained a propriety since the establishment of ISPP (e.g. Fusarium)

In considering proposals to establish a new Committee the ISPP would also review whether the proposed group might overlap with responsibilities of an existing ISPP Committee or other working groups (such as International Society for Horticultural Science Commissions and Working Groups).

The Subject Matter Committee in which I am interested does not appear to be active. What can I do about this?

Contact the ISPP Vice President (Prof. Laura Mugnai in 2023-2028) and the ISPP Business Manager, and raise the concern or query.

FAQ for Committees

Who do I contact to expand our Committee webpage?

Contact the ISPP Business Manager

How often do I need to prepare reports?

The report to ISPP Council is required prior to each International Congress. A Committee Chair (or other members) might also be sending information and informal reports to Committee Members and the Executive at least once a year and also sending news items of interest to the ISPP Newsletter Editor.

Can I use the ISPP logo when writing letters as the committee chair?

Provided that the letter strictly concerns the ISPP Committee business, the ISPP logo can be used for Committee correspondence and for activities organized by the Committee. The ISPP Business Manager can provide a high resolution image.

Under what circumstances will a committee be dissolved

An ISPP Committee could be dissolved when it becomes inactive, or when the Committee and /or the Executive recommend such action to Council.

How much activity is required between conferences

This will depend on the topic and is up to the Committee Members

If your question is not answered or the answers do not adequately clarify your query, please email us.

ISPP Statutes and Rules

The ISPP Statutes and Rules that relate directly to the SMCs and their operation are listed here. This allows the Committee to focus on their work!

  • The ISPP Statutes and Rules concerning Subject Matter Committees specify:
  • The Committees are one of the constitution bodies of ISPP (Statute 14 (e)).
  • The Subject Matter Committees are appointed by the President after approval of the Executive Committee and the ISPP Council, and work under the direction of the ISPP President and Secretary General (Statute 18).
  • Within the ISPP Executive, the responsibility for liaison with, and co-ordination of the Subject Matter Committees has been delegated to one of the ISPP Vice Presidents (in 2013-2018, this is Dr Serge Savary).
  • The Executive Committee establishes or provides for the continuation (or dissolution) of committees  (ISPP Rule 10 (d)). The function of the ISPP Council relating to Statute16 (The Council shall determine general policy and respond to recommendations of the Executive Committee in the organization and management of the ISPP) includes provision under ISPP Rule 6 (g) for Council to 'determine general policy and respond to the recommendations of the Executive Committee' in relation to the establishment of committees and to approve the appointment of their officers.

Here are the key ISPP statutes related to Subject Matter Committees

Statute 5:      To achieve its purpose the ISPP shall: a) sponsor a series of International Congresses of Plant Pathology, hereinafter referred to as "The Congresses", and other international meetings on plant pathology and closely related subjects; b) establish committees to consider and report on special fields or problems in plant pathology; and c) use other means as approved by the Council.

Statute 14: The Constitution Bodies of the ISPP are:

  1. a General Assembly;
  2. the Council;
  3. an Executive Committee;
  4. a Secretariat;
  5. Committees appointed by the Council.

These bodies shall be constituted in accordance with the Rules of Procedure

Statute 18:       Committees, appointed by the President after approval of the Executive Committee and the Council, shall work under the direction of the President and the Secretary-General.

Rule 6:          The function of the Council relating to Statute16 shall be: (a) to direct the Executive Committee in matters of policy and management; (b) to determine the place and date of the next Congress; (c) to elect Fellows of the ISPP; (d) to recognize societies, bodies and organizations in accordance with Articles 6-13 (e) to determine procedures for representation of individual members on the Council; (f) to elect the Officers; (g) to establish committees and to approve the appointment of their officers*;  (h)  to review and approve, or when deemed necessary, to amend reports prepared by the Executive Committee.

Rule 10:        The Executive Committee, in accordance with Statute 17, shall (a) implement the decisions and resolutions of the Council and conduct the business of the ISPP according to general directions from the Council. Thus, it is responsible to the Council for the activities of the ISPP and for the expenditure of available funds; (b) take the necessary steps to initiate and assist in the organization of the Congresses; (c) submit to the Council annual reports on the activities and finances of the ISPP, and prepare a budget for the following year; (d) establish or provide for the continuation or dissolution of committees of the Council*; (e) prepare the agenda for meetings of the Council and the General Assembly and submit to the Council matters for consideration and action.  (f) carry out any other tasks and activities appropriate to and in accordance with the purpose of the Society.



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Web Site: Peter Williamson