ISPP Executive Committee
2023 - 2028 |
President: |
Professor Yong-Hwan Lee Republic of Korea |
Past President: |
Professor Jan Leach Colorado State
University Fort Collins
Vice President (Congress): |
Associate Professor Andrew Geering
Australia |
Vice President (SMC's): |
Professor Laura Mugnai Florence, Italy |
Secretary General: |
Professor Teresa Coutinho South Africa |
Treasurer: |
Associate Professor Mathews L. Paret
University of Florida USA
ISPP Secretariat 2023 -
2028 |
Business Manager: |
Andrea Masino
Universita degli Studi di Torino, Italy
Newsletter Editor: |
Dr Daniel Hüberli
Department of Primary Industries and
Regional Development,
Western Australia
Editor in Chief-Food
Security: |
Dr Serge Savary IARI and GBPUAT, India; UC Davis, USA; and
U. Twente, the Netherlands
Task Force on Challenges
for Plant Pathology 2050: |
Chair: Prof Lodovica Gullino
Universita degli Studi di Torino,
Via Leonardo da Vinci 44, 10095 GRUGLIASCO (TO), Italy
Web Manager |
Dr Peter Williamson PO Box 4674, Toowoomba
East, QLD, 4350, Australia |
ISPP Executive and Secretariat
2018-23 and 2023-28 - Back Row, L to R - Greg Johnson, Nathalie
Poussereau, Khaled Makkouk, Brenda Wingfield, Andrea Masino, Mathias
Choquer. Front Row, L to R - Laura Mugnai, Teresa Coutinho, Yong-Hwan
Lee, Jan Leach, Andrew Geering, Mathews L. Paret. |
The International Society for Plant
Pathology Inc. All rights reserved. Website: Peter Williamson
Revised: 05/06/2018 07:49:31 AM |