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History of the International Society for Plant Pathology (ISPP)


My intent in documenting the history of ISPP is to capture its formation and evolution from the contentious beginnings and exemplary first Congress in London in 1968 to the 10th Congress to be held in Beijing in 2013. Therefore, it is organized chronologically around each of the 5-year meetings and includes some interim events.  Although not an exhaustively complete collection, it is based on interviews, archive records, and recollections of some of the most important, esteemed, thoughtful, and handsome members of our society (see photos).

I am grateful to those who contributed to this History. The first President of ISPP, Professor R. K. S. Wood, sent me letters describing the origins of the 1st Congress; and Dr. Greg Johnson, the newly elected President of ISPP, has provided valuable resources that he researched.  The reports and personal comments by Dr. Peter Scott, President of the 7th Congress in 1998 and leader of the Task Force on Global Food Security, represent a major contribution to ISPP and to this History.  Drs. Thor Kommedahl and Brian Deveral, longtime Editors of the Newsletter, also contributed valuable personal comments and archived material.  And finally, special thanks to Dr. Jim Cook, who attended all nine of the Congresses and was President of ISPP in 1988, for providing his personal files and comments that are essential to this organization's history. 

Charlie Delp, ISPP Historian, August 2013

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History of the ISPP Associated Societies for Plant Pathology


American Phytopathology Society

Australasian Plant Pathology Society

British Society for Plant Pathology

Indian Phytopathological Society

Peruvian Association for Phytopathology       El Desarrollo De La FitopatologiaEn El Peru Mont









© The International Society for Plant Pathology Inc. All rights reserved. Website: Peter Williamson  Revised:  13/10/2020 11:39:37 AM