ISPP is an international association of societies for
plant pathology. Individuals who are members of one of the
associated societies
are automatically associate members of ISPP. However, anyone can join ISPP as an individual member on an annual
basis, with two options (below). New in 2019! ISPP offers life memberships!
Membership (a fee of $16 US is payable annually
Membership Package (a special one calendar year package for only $45 USD
Package includes: |
Individual Membership of
Online personal
subscription to Food Security
20% discount on all English-language books from Springer
Life Membership (One time fee of $180)
The payment options are PayPal or Credit Card (through PayPal link below), Cheque (Check) or International Money
Order in US Dollars made out to: The International Society for
Plant Pathology and sent to: The ISPP Treasurer, Dr Mathews L. Paret, Associate
Professor of Plant Pathology North Florida Research and Education Center,
University of Florida 155 Research Road, Quincy, FL 32351 +1-850-875-7154
(office), (e-mail)

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