International Society for Plant Pathology
Promoting World-Wide Plant Health and Food Security
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About ISPP

The purpose of the International Society for Plant Pathology (ISPP) is to promote the worldwide development of plant pathology, and the dissemination of knowledge about plant diseases and plant health management. The Society sponsors the International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP) at regular intervals and other international meetings on plant pathology and closely related subjects. The Society establishes committees to consider and report on special fields or problems in plant pathology. The Society organizes other activities including the publication of journals and newsletters, websites, as approved by the Executive Committee.

The ISPP is incorporated under Minnesota USA Statute Chapter 317A. (Filing Number 3659446-2 ; Original Date of Filing: 1/13/2010;  Duration:  Perpetual). The Registered Office of the International Society for Plant Pathology is: International Society for Plant Pathology 3285 Northwood Circle Ste. 100 St. Paul, MN 55121 USA.

The ISPP Council consists of the Executive Committee and Councillors nominated by Associated Societies (or by nominating bodies in countries with no society of plant pathology) in proportion to the size of their membership. Advice on the Roles and Responsibilities of ISPP Councillors can be found here