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International Society for Plant Pathology

Fran Fisher Award



The Fran E. Fisher Award was established by the International Society of Plant Pathology in 2018, to honor individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to both the science of plant pathology and society through dedicating their lives to connecting plant pathologists around the globe so as to improve plant health. The inaugural 2018 Award was presented to Dr Charles Delp, former Secretary General of ISPP and currently ISPP Historian at the ISPP President's Reception in Boston.


The current International Society of Plant Pathology World Directory of Plant Pathologists was the brainchild of US plant pathologist, Dr. Francenia E. Fisher. The First Edition was published as the World Directory of Plant Pathologists Edited by Fran E. Fisher in 1973. The Second Edition was published in 1980 and a scanned version is on the ISPP website. 

In Dr. Fisher’s own words, “this Directory has been compiled with the sincere hope that it would help to improve personal and professional connections as well as communication among fellow plant pathologists throughout the world.   

Established after her death in 1982, income from her endowment, The Fran Fisher Trust, funds the ongoing publication of the World Directory of Plant Pathologist that she envisioned (A c. $1400 p.a). The World Directory is an online resource (, contributed to by individuals and plant pathology societies, and working to connect plant health professionals globally. Since mid-2018 it has been off-line because of data protection issues. The World Directory is also supplemented by the ISPP LinkedIn page and the ISPP Facebook Page.



Recipients of the Fran Fisher Award

The Fran Fisher Award will be presented at the International Congress of Plant Pathology in Lyon France in 2023.

          2018. First Recipient - Dr Charles Delp
Former Secretary General of ISPP and currently
ISPP Historian at the ISPP President's Reception in Boston