Rules of Procedures
Statute 1: |
The name of the Society shall be "The International Society for Plant
Pathology Inc" (ISPP). Herein after, it shall be referred to as the
Statute 2: |
The Secretariat of the ISPP shall be managed from the home country of
the Secretary-General (See Rule 11)
Statute 3: |
The purpose of the ISPP shall be to advance education and to promote
the development of plant pathology for public benefit throughout the
Statute 4: |
For the promotion of its scientific goals, the ISPP shall work
together with the International Union of Biological
Sciences and the International Union of Microbiological Societies under
the International Council for Science (ICS).
Statute 5: |
To achieve its purpose the ISPP shall:
a) |
sponsor a series of International Congresses of Plant Pathology,
hereinafter referred to as "The Congresses", and other international
meetings on plant pathology and closely related subjects;
b) |
establish committees to consider and report on special fields or
problems in plant pathology; and
c) |
use other means as approved by the Council.
Statute 6: |
The categories of membership of ISPP shall be based on:
a) |
Individual Members (Statute 7)
b) |
Fellows (Statute 8)
c) |
Member Societies (Statute 9)
d) |
Nominating Bodies (Statute 10)
e) |
Supporting Organizations (Statute 11) and
f) |
Associate Member Organizations (Statute 4 and
Statute 12).
Statute 7: |
Individual Members are those interested in
plant pathology and who seek individual participation in ISPP by payment
of an individual membership fee in addition to any membership in a
Member Society. All members of Member Societies are automatically
members of the ISPP but are not 'Individual Members' of ISPP. |
Statute 8: |
Fellows are those individuals who have been
elected by the Council because of their outstanding contributions to
plant pathology, the aims of the ISPP, or both. Members who have
previously been elected as Honorary Members of the Society shall from
the 1 January 2010 become Fellows of the Society. |
Statute 9: |
Member Societies are those national or regional societies for plant
pathology, or organizations with plant pathology as one of their primary
interests and which have been recognized by the Council and as having
paid their annual fees.
Statute 10: |
Nominating Bodies are those National Academies of Sciences, or
similar bodies for science, in countries not represented by national or
regional societies for plant pathology, that have been recognized by the
Council for the purpose of appointing Councillors. Nominating bodies
shall be recognized by the Council only if they are permitted to
nominate Councillors by laws of the countries or regions to which they
Statute 11: |
Supporting Organization Members are those, other than Member
Societies, Nominating Bodies or Associate Member Organizations, that
support the ISPP. They can include companies and non-profit
organizations and pay a membership fee and / or meet other agreed
conditions of association but do not have voting rights or
representation on Council.
Statute 12: |
Associate Member Organizations are those interested in specific
aspects of plant pathology as well as those with related objectives, but
not directly involved in plant pathology. Associate Membership shall be
determined by the Council on the basis of common or complementary
objectives. Associate Member Organizations may not be required to pay an
annual fee but could be charged for participation in ISPP managed
Statute 13: |
Individual Members, Member Societies, Nominating Bodies and
Supporting Organizations shall enjoy the rights and privileges accorded
to them by the ISPP as long as their annual fees are paid. The rights
and privileges will be withheld from December 31 of the year in which
the fee is not paid. Fellows will not pay individual membership fees
from the date of their election as Fellows Associate Member
Organizations will enjoy the rights and privileges accorded to them by
the ISPP.
Statute 14: |
The Constitution Bodies of the ISPP are:
a) |
b) |
the Council; |
c) |
an Executive Committee; |
d) |
a Secretariat; |
e) |
Committees appointed by the Council. |
These bodies shall be constituted in accordance with the Rules of
Statute 15: |
The Council shall be convened within each Congress with the
following functions:
a) |
to provide for discussion of the general policies and programs of the
b) |
to consider matters of general interest to the members; and
c) |
to provide for the installation of new officers and the presentation
of honors and awards.
Statute 16: |
The Council shall determine general policy and respond to
recommendations of the Executive Committee in the organization and
management of the ISPP.
Statute 17: |
The Executive Committee shall implement policy and conduct the
business of the ISPP subject to approval by the Council. It shall
consist of the President, the Immediate Past-President, two
Vice-Presidents, the Secretary-General and the Treasurer.
Statute 18: |
Committees, appointed by the President after approval of the
Executive Committee and the Council, shall work under the direction of
the President and the Secretary-General.
Statute 19: |
The funds of the ISPP shall come from:
a) |
fees of Individual Members, Member Societies, Nominating Bodies and
Supporting Organizations;
b) |
proceeds from the sale of publications;
c) |
gifts, legacies and grants; and
d) |
other sources.
Statute 20: |
The financial liabilities of the ISPP shall be limited to its current
Statute 21: |
The financial commitments that require only the signature of the
Treasurer and those that also require the signature of the President
shall be determined by the Executive Committee.
Statute 22: |
The President and the Secretary-General or two Directors designated
by, and delegating for, the ISPP President and Secretary General shall
represent the ISPP in legal matters according to the laws of the United
States of America or the State of Minnesota, USA. They may represent
the ISPP in other matters as approved by the Executive Committee. The
Treasurer, or a designated representative of the Treasurer, shall
represent the ISPP in legal matters relating to Banking and Finance
according to the relevant State and Federal laws of the country in which
the Society Bank Accounts are based.
Statute 23: |
The President and the Secretary-General (or their designated
representatives) may commit the ISPP by their joint signatures in
executing decisions of the Council. In special circumstances the
Executive Committee may authorize another member of the Executive
Committee to act in place of the President or the Secretary-General.
Statute 24: |
The administrative and financial year of the ISPP shall be the
calendar year.
Statute 25: |
The Procedures of voting are defined in the Rules of Procedure.
Statute 26: |
Alterations and additions to the Statutes and Rules of Procedure
shall be approved by two-thirds of the received votes of members of the
Council entitled and able to vote in a ballot conveyed to all
Statute 27: |
The ISPP may be dissolved on the agreement of two-thirds of the
Members of the Council. On dissolution the Executive Committee, acting
for the Council, will be responsible for settling the accounts and for
disposing of any remaining property provided that such property shall
not be distributed among the members of the ISPP but shall be given or
transferred to such other charitable institution or institutions having
objects similar to some or all of the objects of the ISPP as the Council
may determine and if and in so far as effect cannot be given to this
provision then to some other charitable purpose.
Statute 28: |
General prohibitions, notwithstanding any provision of the Statutes
or Rules of Procedure that might be susceptible to a contrary
construction, are:
a) |
the ISPP shall be organized and operated exclusively for scientific
and educational purposes;
b) |
no part of the net earnings of the ISPP shall or may under any
circumstances incur to the benefit of or be distributable to its
officers, members or private individuals;
c) |
no substantial part of the activities of the ISPP shall consist of
carrying out propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence
d) |
the ISPP shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the
publishing or distribution of statements), any political campaign on
behalf of any candidate for public office; or for the political
expediency of any organization or cause;
e) |
the ISPP shall not be organized or operated for profit;
f) |
the ISPP shall not in respect of any officer, member of the Council,
or substantial contributor to the ISPP:
(i) lend any part of its income or corpus, without receipt of
adequate security and a reasonable rate of interest, to;
(ii) pay any compensation, in excess of reasonable allowance for
salaries or other compensation for personal services actually rendered
(iii) make any part of its services available on a preferential
basis, to;
(iv) make any purchase of securities or any
other property, for more than adequate consideration in money or money's
worth from, to; |
(v) sell any securities or other property for less than adequate
consideration in money or money's worth or;
(vi) engage in any other transaction which results in substantial
diversions of its income or corpus.
The prohibitions contained in this Statute 28 do not mean to imply
that the ISPP may make such loans, payments, sales, or purchases to
anyone else, unless such authority be given or implied by other
provisions of the Statutes or Rules of Procedure.
Rules of Procedures |
Rule 1: |
The Membership shall be composed of:
a) |
members of the Council;
b) |
individual members;
c) |
d) |
members of Member Societies and members of Nominating Bodies who are
plant pathologists.
Rule 2:
The General Assembly shall, in accordance with Statute15 of the
Statutes, be convened to receive:
a) |
reports on the work of the ISPP submitted by its officers, committee
chairs and the Council;
b) |
audited accounts of the ISPP submitted by the Treasurer with the
approval of the Council;
c) |
reports of additions or alterations to the Statutes or to Rules of
Procedure implemented by the Council in the period between Congresses,
and of any proposals submitted in accordance with Rule 4 of the Rules of
d) |
the report of the Nominating Committee on the election of officers.
Rule 3:
The General Assembly shall meet at least once during each Congress.
The President of the ISPP shall normally preside at each meeting. If the
President cannot do so, a member of the Executive Committee or a member
of the Council nominated by the Council shall preside.
Rule 4:
Proposals relating to the Statutes or to the Rules of Procedure,
other than those proposed by the Executive Committee, must be sent to
the Secretary-General at least 6 months before the next Congress. They
will be considered only if endorsed by a total of at least 20 Individual
Members or Fellows, or by three or more accredited representatives of
Member Societies or Nominating Bodies recognized by the Council.
Rule 5:
The Council shall consist of members appointed by Member Societies
and by Nominating Bodies. Member Societies and Nominating Bodies with a
membership of 10 to 100 plant pathologists may appoint one member of the
Council (Councillor); those with 101 to 500 plant pathologists may
appoint two Councillors. For every 1-500 plant pathologists above the
first 500, one additional Councillor may be appointed. Member Societies
or Nominating Bodies representing fewer than 10 plant pathologists may,
with the approval of the Council, join with other Member Societies or
Nominating Bodies to appoint one Councillor if their combined
memberships are 10 to 100, and two Councillors if their combined
memberships exceed 100. Individual members shall be represented on the
Council by not more than five Councillors appointed in ways approved by
the Council. Nine months before a Congress, Member Societies and
Nominating Bodies will be asked to submit to the Council the name(s) of
their appointee(s) for the next Council. Present or past members of the
Council may be recommended for reappointment. The term of office of
Councillors and Officers shall be from the end of one Congress to the
end of the next.
The officers of the ISPP shall also be the ISPP members of the Council,
and shall constitute the Executive Committee. Officers shall be
nominated by the Council, and two candidates for each office shall be
selected by a Nomination Committee appointed by the Executive Committee.
Candidates for officers shall represent as many different countries as
is practical and will take office at the end of a Congress. The
procedure for election of officers shall be as follows:
a) |
At least one year before the Congress, the Executive Committee will
appoint a Nominations Committee comprising the Immediate Past President
(chair) and six other members. These will be ISPP Councillors, or other
senior representatives of ISPP Associated Societies, chosen on a
geographical basis.
b) |
The Nominations Committee will invite each Associated Society and
Nominating Body of ISPP through the ISPP Councillors to propose nominees
for the positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary-General and
Treasurer and to provide evidence of each nominee’s willingness to serve
if elected. The call for nominations will be publicized through the ISPP
Newsletter and website and ISPP Associated Societies. Any ISPP member
may be nominated for the positions by Councillors, or any other member
of an ISPP Associated Society.
c) |
The Nominations Committee will consider the nominees for each office,
and being cognizant for the need of geographical diversity and gender
balance, will select two names for each office and transmit such names
for ratification by the Executive Committee.
d) |
The Secretary-General or a designate will send a ballot with two
candidates for each office to each of the Councillors at least nine
months before the Congress and request their vote within three months.
The ballots will be counted by the Secretary-General or other designate
of the ISPP Executive. The candidates with a simple majority will be
elected. In the case of a tie, the President may cast the decisive vote.
Evidence of each Councillor’s vote will be kept on file until after the
e) |
The President will invite each newly elected officer to serve. If the
elected officer is unable to serve, then the alternate candidate will be
asked to serve.
Rule 6: |
The function of the Council relating to Statute16 shall be:
a) |
to direct the Executive Committee in matters of policy and
b) |
to determine the place and date of the next Congress;
c) |
to elect Fellows of the ISPP;
d) |
to recognize societies, bodies and organizations in accordance with
Articles 6-13;
e) |
to determine procedures for representation of individual members on
the Council;
f) |
to elect the Officers;
g) |
to establish committees and to approve the appointment of their
h) |
to review and approve, or when deemed necessary, to amend reports
prepared by the Executive Committee.
Rule 7:
Only members of the Council or their designated alternates may vote.
Each member of the Council shall have one vote in the event of an
equality of votes in a ballot or otherwise, the President of the ISPP
shall have a second and deciding vote.
Rule 8:
The Council may admit non-members to its meetings.
Rule 9:
The Executive Committee shall be formed according to Statute 17 of
the Statutes. One of the Vice-Presidents shall be from the country in
which the next Congress will be held. The Executive Committee shall meet
at least once during each Congress and at least once between Congresses.
Four members shall form a quorum at each meeting. The Executive
Committee may admit others to its meetings.
Rule 10:
The Executive Committee, in accordance with Statute 17, shall:
a) |
implement the decisions and resolutions of the Council and conduct
the business of the ISPP according to general directions from the
Council. Thus, it is responsible to the Council for the activities of
the ISPP and for the expenditure of available funds;
b) |
take the necessary steps to initiate and assist in the organization
of the Congresses;
c) |
submit to the Council annual reports on the activities and finances
of the ISPP, and prepare a budget for the following year;
d) |
establish or provide for the continuation or dissolution of
committees of the Council;
e) |
prepare the agenda for meetings of the Council and the General
Assembly and submit to the Council matters for consideration and action.
f) |
carry out any other tasks and activities appropriate to and in
accordance with the purpose of the Society.
Rule 11: |
The Secretariat shall comprise the Secretary-General and a small
administrative staff and other personnel as agreed from time to time and
appointed by the Executive Committee according to advice from the
Council. The Secretariat personnel currently includes the
positions of Business Manager, ISPP Newsletter Editor, Chair of the ISPP
Task Force on Global Food Security and Editor- in-Chief of the Food
Security journal. The Secretariat shall work under the direction
of the Executive Committee.
Rule 12:
In accordance with Statute 21 of the Statutes, the Treasurer is
responsible for the finances of the ISPP. The Treasurer or a designated
representative expends the ISPP funds under the direction of the
Executive Committee.
Rule 13:
Committees of the Council shall be appointed for the term of office
of the Council; they shall be considered for reappointment by the next
Council. A Committee shall inter alia:
a) |
organize meetings on special subjects;
b) |
propose for approval by the Council the establishment and membership
of groups to study and report on special problems;
c) |
encourage and arrange for international cooperation between plant
d) |
further the aims of the ISPP in other ways approved by the Council;
e) |
submit a summary report of Committee activities to the
Secretary-General at the time of each Congress.
Rule 14: |
Congresses shall be held at least once every six years. The venue for
each Congress shall be selected by vote of the Council at least five
years in advance. The procedure for selection shall be as follows:
a) |
Two years before the Congress, the Secretary-General will request bids
from all Member Societies to be considered as a venue for the following
Congress (about seven years in advance). Copies of all bids will be sent
to all members of the Council by the ISPP Executive by at least 21
months before the Congress.
b) |
The Secretary-General will send a ballot, with
all of the qualified bids represented, to each of the Councillors at
least 21 months before the Congress and request their vote for one of
the venues within two months. The ballots will be counted by the
Secretary-General or Business Manager. In the case where there are only
two qualified bids on the ballot, a simple majority will determine the
selection. In cases where more than two venues are on the ballot, the
venue with at least two-thirds majority will be selected. |
c) |
If one venue doesn't have two-thirds majority,
then the Secretary-General will send out another ballot to each of the
Councillors and request that they vote between the two venues having the
most votes, and will request their votes be returned within two months.
The selection between the two finalist venues will be determined by a
simple majority vote. |
d) |
In the case of a tie, the President shall cast
the decisive vote. |
e) |
Evidence of each Councillors vote will be kept
on file until after the Congress at which the venue of the following
Congress is announced. |
Rule 15: |
Congresses shall be open to all persons after payment of Congress fees.
Rule 16: |
Each Congress shall be organized by a Congress Committee appointed by
the Member Society(ies) and or Nominating Body(ies) sponsoring the
Congress. The Congress Committee shall consist of a Chair, a Secretary,
a Treasurer, and at least six other persons, or be composed in other
ways approved by the Council. One Vice-President of the ISPP shall be a
member of the Congress Committee with special responsibility for liaison
between the Congress Committee and the Executive Committee. The members
of the Congress Committee shall be appointed, if possible, within two
years after the end of the preceding Congress and shall serve until
completion of their duties in connection with the Congress for which
they are responsible.
Rule 17: |
The general plan of the Congress shall be submitted to the Executive
Committee for approval and shall be sent to the Council members and
Committee Chairs for their information.
Rule 18: |
The Congress Committee appointed by the Member Society(ies) hosting the
Congress, not the ISPP, shall be financially responsible for the
Congress that it organizes.
Rule 19:
Voting at meetings of the ISPP shall be by show of hands unless the
members present decide that a ballot should be taken.
Rule 20:
Resolutions before meetings of constituent bodies of the ISPP, and
those placed before the Council by correspondence, shall be passed by a
simple majority vote except those relating to the Statutes, Rules of
Procedure, or dissolution of the ISPP when a two-thirds majority of
members entitled and able to vote shall be required. In the event of the
equality of votes, the Chair shall have a second deciding vote.
Rule 21: |
Fees charged by the ISPP shall be determined by the Council upon
recommendation of the Executive Committee. Fees may be influenced
under a formula that applies to many different Member Societies, as a
percentage of their individual member fee which varies according to that
member Society's decisions.
Rule 22:
Members, Member Societies, Nominating Bodies, Supporting and
Affiliated Organizations shall be informed of the activities of the ISPP
and related matters in its official publication "International
Newsletter on Plant Pathology" and in other ways deemed appropriate by
the Executive Committee with the approval of the Council. The ISPP may
also issue other publications, the distribution and costs of which shall
be decided by the Executive Committee subject to approval by the
Rule 23:
Business of the ISPP may be conducted by correspondence. Accepted by
the Council: December, 1975.
Revisions considered by the Council; August 1978 (Third International
Congress). Approved by the Council (on mail ballot): April, 1979.
Revisions considered to amend
Statutes (Articles 28 and 29) by mail ballot; September, 1984. Approved
by the Council (mail ballot): February, 1985. |
Revisions of Rule 5 (Rules of
Procedure) approved by mail ballot of the Council: June 1991. (Source:
Dr. Thor Kommedahl, 7 August, 1991). |
Revisions to Statutes Articles
3, 26, and 27 approved by the Council August 13, 1998. |
Revisions to Statutes Articles
1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 26, 28,and 29, and Rules of Procedure Articles 5,
9, 10, 13, and 17 approved by the Council via "ListServ" internet
January 1, 2002 (Source: Charlie Delp). |
Repeal of Statute 26 (former UK
Charitable status), Renumbering of Statutes after Statute 25, and
Revisions to Statutes 1 to 13 inclusive, 15, 19, 22, 23 and 26, and of
Rules of Procedure 1, 4, 5, 6, 10,11, Separation of the last clause of
Rule 11 as Rule 12, renumbering of Rules 12 to 22 as Rules 13 to 23, and
modification and renumbering of Rules 13, 15, 17, 20, 21 as Rules 14,16,
18, 21, 22. Change of spelling 'Councilor' to 'Councillor'. Approved by
Council 7 October, 2009 |
Revisions to Rule of Procedure
Article 5 approved by the ISPP Council, at ICPP2013, Beijing China 27
August 2013
Revisions to Rule of Procedure
Articles 5, 14 and 16: (Change in clause 5 (a) and changes in clause 14
(a) and (b))

Johnson Secretary General ISPP 2008-2013 and President 2013-2018 1
January 2016 |
Revisions to Statutes 14 and 15
approved by the ISPP Council, at ICPP2018, Boston USA 31 July 2018
Revisions to Statutes 14 and 15: (Changing 'General Assembly' to
'Membership' in Statute 14 and "Council' in Statute 15.)
Brenda Wingfield Secretary General 2013-2023. 1 January 2019 |