1. Chemicals and
Biorationals as plant protection products
2. Cultural
Control (agronomy, forecast systems etc.) and application technology
3. Variety
4. Pathogen
adaptation to control measures
About the SMC
The SMC Chemical
Control focuses on identification and communication of progress in
plant disease
control and on new developments in fungicide resistance to
scientists, advisors and all involved in plant pathology.
Its main purpose
is the organisation of various sessions at the ICPP conferences. The
members exchange mainly online or at different scientific
conferences, which are visited by the Committee Members.
Coming events
(next workshops/meetings)
Past events
Various members
met at the Reinhardsbrunn-Symposium 2023 and discussed open topics
and progress of organization of the Concurrent
Sessions at ICPP
Committee Activities
Main activities since
2018, besides the active presence at various global conferences of
the members, were discussions on the future orientation of the group
and how to integrate other disease control approaches than synthetic
plant protection products. Additionally, the organization of three
Concurrent Sessions
("Progress in Disease
Control 1 and 2" and "New Development in
Fungicide Resistance") was a main activity
of the group. The three sessions were organized with the target to
cover different but important regions, crops and diseases. The high
number of applications for oral and poster presentations shows the
high demand of both topics (progress in disease control and
fungicide resistance) at the ICPP 2023.